Producer – U.P.Rahmathulla
Executive producers – Anoop Chandran, P.Vijayasree
Sound Mixing – Krishnanunni
Music – Ramesh Narayan
Editing – Vijayakumar
Raman (English: travelogue of invasion) is a 2008malayalam film written and directed by Dr.Biju. The film was a controversial and much debated-over socio-political one, it shows two variants of invasion by imperialist forces—of Iraq and Kerala. The film was an official selection for eight international film festivals including the prestigious Cairo international film festival. The film “shows how economic, cultural and military invasion ends up like terrorist activities those annihilating third-world countries like India and Iraq.


Dr. Biju ( Director)

Anoop Chandran (Actor)

Avantika Akerkar (Actress)

Master Govardhan ( Actor )